01 October 2007

Orthopraxy revisited

"The church is not the custodian of the culture - of any culture. The church is the custodian of her own narrative."

Orthopraxy is acting and living in ways that are true (or appropriate) to the ongoing story of the Kingdom of God.

In Pauline terms, it is putting off the old humanity and putting on the new one, living as a new creation, living in light of the resurrection.

In light of this, the duty of the church is not to support any political agenda (any agenda at all!), but to act and live in ways that sustain its central and self-defining story.

(It is true that at the moment I am not discussing either the acts/lifestyle, or the story. It is also true that at the moment I am not discussing how we come to an understanding of the story, or in what ways that again establishes belief over action. All to come.)

Ideas? Comments? Critiques? Thank you.

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